Wednesday, September 26, 2012

PAINS...A Healthy Help To Become Strong!

      Most of us hate to experience pain. Since it is an unpleasant feeling often cause by  intense or damaging stimuli...In a broader sense, we call it SUFFERING. Suffering emotionally, physically, psychologically and mentally. Either one of those kinds of pain, we, humans are afraid to suffer. We always  tend to find solutions to overcome it.
       Such pain makes us sad, irritated, sick, hard to deal in any situation, moody, temperamental and to the extent, we become mad... I myself, experience the same things, emotionally speaking. Most of the time, i don't have the appetite to eat, can hardly move myself, feeling lazy to work and cant even peace of mind to think what's the right thing to do... In short, all i want to do is lie down myself on bed and over think such thing again and again. I realised to myself, I'm doing the wrong way of dealing the problem. It just makes me more incapable to find a solution for it.
        Everything is about  balance.
        Before, it was really difficult for me to become focus on finding the right things on how i will avoid the so called "heart sickness" of mine... Being emotionally sick :p Nowadays, i keep in mind, why should i bother  myself over thinking an unpleasant thing if it will just give me reasons to stop my life. It's really great to live a beautiful life. Lots of good things around us, lots of nice people to talk to, lots of goals to achieve, lots of simple things yet more important things to prioritised... Isn't it? In fact, i got lots of good things in me. I can consider myself luckier than others. So, why give a damn shit of time to those negative crap?
        Things aren't the same at all. It keeps on changing. The only thing i guess that is not changing is me :) Ha ha :))  I guess, it's time for me to grow up.  Stop being so nega!  Be positive Sherry! Get up from your bed and start moving!
        Whoa! I know it's hard to those who are alone and away with their love ones to keep striving only by themselves, without getting help even a simple advice,  just like me... But on my part, i got several things to consider... First, if i can do it by myself, i will. Second, I'm away and alone so who's to help but only ME. And third, I know i can with God's guidance.
        Observing the situation when I'm in pain, i keep on crying. That;s the first thing i am doing. There's no other way and cant help myself but cry. But that seems a very good thing for me to release the pain inside, it helps me too. Unlike others, they tend not to cry as if they are so tough not to feel the suffering. But i guess, it will just cause a heavy burden inside of you once it is kept... So, CRYING helps. Another is, once i am in trouble, i used to scan some pages, read some articles and even look for some simple quotes and sayings from famous people. And i find it helpful. Though, it is just some kind of saying but i know it touches me to the point that i am following not all but most of it. The most amazing thing i can do during the time i am suffering is: HELPING OTHERS IN PAIN TOO.  Just like what Oprah said, "If you're in pain, help someone else's pain, and when you're in a mess, you get yourself out of the mess helping someone out of theirs."  Very true! I did it so many times and it worked. Im not a good adviser. In fact, i do not have the knowledge of reading minds since i do not study psychology, but through my experience, i can give advises to some of my friends seeking moral support. I can comfort them through my own words of wisdom. Not bragging myself, but one of my friends who receive my words of wisdom said: "Si ate She baga mentor mo." The other one said who have had read one of my post on facebook: "Biyo akong makikigkig ka mga posted status mo ate." (she's talking about one of the status which she thought she is so related to it).  It's kindda flattering huh, :) But it's really a good thing i am helping them morally despite of the pain i am experiencing... Its so ironic, haha, im helping them but its hard for me to follow such self advice :)) Nevertheless, regarding with the topic, being POSITIVE is helpful.
          Therefore, PAINS are not just a negative factor. It is also a good thing, a healthy help for us to become strong. It only depends on how we will treat the situation. Like what ive said awhile ago, EVERYTHING IS ABOUT BALANCE. You're sad, try to find things that makes you happy. You're in trouble, find way to solve the problem. It's easy... Let's put it this way: You're hungry, EAT. You're thirsty, take a glass of water to DRINK. You're sleepy, take time to SLEEP. You're tired, have a REST.  What else? Lots of things that is so simple but we make it so complicated... For me, i have learned things as time passes, DO NOT COMPLICATE SIMPLE THINGS. While it is still in the simple form, find way to simplify it more to avoid it becoming worse. But of course, when the things get complicated, it's for you to simplify it. Do not add more reasons for it to become worst till it is already unavoidable....

Im tired, so i must rest now :p

I wish this simple blog of mine about pains can help others too...
Again, not all pain cause us to let ourselves down, it can surely inspire us too to take ourselves up... Just deal with it POSITIVELY :)